Board Members
Sarah Eissler: Sarah is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Penn State University in the dual-title Rural Sociology and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment program. She received her M.S. in Rural Sociology and International Agriculture and Development (INTAD) from Penn State University. Ms. Eissler traveled to the CYEC in Nyeri, Kenya in May 2016 and is passionate to support the Zawadi Fund International and the children and community impacted by the CYEC.
Andrew Bonneau: Andrew currently resides in Freiburg, Germany where is he pursuing an MSc in Environmental Governance at the University of Freiburg. Prior to moving to Germany Andrew lived in Philadelphia where he worked as a secondary science educator. In 2013, he traveled to the CYEC with a group of Penn State Students to work on a number of projects including a peer mentorship program and a livestock health analysis.
Kelly Saladik: Kelly first visited the CYEC in the summer of 2013 as a PSU College of Education student working to help write the Healthwise Curriculum for the Center. She is currently a 1st grade teacher from Philadelphia staying connected to the Center in as many ways as she can.
Lexi Dunnells: Lexi was at the center as a Penn State student in the summer of 2013. Spending time at the center was such a joy and she loves that she has the opportunity to continue to contribute to their work. Lexi is currently a high school math teacher in Denver, CO.
Stephen Suffian: Stephen was first at the
CYEC briefly in the summer of 2010, and then came back for 5 months in 2011, 3 months in 2012, and 3 months in 2013. During his time there, he was primarily working with the general population on community health projects, but also got involved in a variety of activities at the center, tutoring some of the older students in math, helping with the greenhouse, and generally engaging in day-to-to day activities. He is now doing a PhD in electrical engineering at Villanova University and recently co-founded a startup that focuses on energy efficiency and ICTs in Central America.
Sierra Williams: Sierra was first connected with the CYEC through Kansas State’s School of Leadership Studies in 2011, working to help develop a drop in center for street dwelling youth to attend during the day to learn life skills and engage in agricultural work to grow produce for an income. Sierra has remained connected with the center, and has returned in 2012, and again in 2016. Sierra currently works as a drug and alcohol social worker in Pittsburgh, PA, and remains passionate about providing ongoing support for the CYEC.
Caroline Gimmillaro: Caroline first began working at the CYEC in Summer 2011. She’s since been involved in the development of the CYEC’s microfinance program, the CYEC Mural Arts Project, and the development of a local fundraising campaign. She lived at the Centre while serving as the CYEC’s Director of Special Programs from June 2013- February 2014. Gimmillaro holds a Bachelor’s degree in Community, Environment, and Development from Penn State and a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard. She is currently a management consultant in Washington, D.C.
Teryn Greer
Zayna Karam
William Langford
Stevie St. Clair
Kate Thompson